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Peace-Building Commission (PBC)

Peace-Building Commission Introduction

The Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) stands as a crucial intergovernmental advisory body within the framework of the United Nations, dedicated to reinforcing peace efforts in countries grappling with conflict. Established as a pivotal addition to the international community's capacity in the broad peace agenda, the PBC plays a distinctive role in facilitating and sustaining peacebuilding initiatives. Comprising 31 Member States, the PBC is a diverse assembly elected from the General Assembly, the Security Council, and the Economic and Social Council. Notably, it includes nations recognized for their substantial financial and troop contributions to the United Nations system. This composition underscores the PBC’s comprehensive approach, drawing on the resources and perspectives of states actively supporting global peacekeeping endeavors. Crucially, the Peacebuilding Commission Support Branch (PBCSB), housed within the Peacebuilding Support Office (PBSO) under the Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA), serves as the backbone of substantive and technical support to the Peacebuilding Commission. This specialized branch ensures the effectiveness and efficiency of the PBC’s operations, enhancing its ability to respond to the complex challenges of post-conflict environments.

Topic A:

Analyzing Peacebuilding in the Russia-Ukraine War

Tema B:

Revisiting International Interventions Towards Peace in the Sahel Region. 


Mariana Lozano


Nicolas Simoes


Tomas Gallo

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